The conference will bring together a highly interdisciplinary group of scientists, engineers, and social scientists interested in diffusion and related spreading phenomena.
Oral presentations will address a broad, interdisciplinary audience.
Topics of interest include:
Topics of interest include:
- Basic principles of diffusion theory and simulation
- Experimental measurements and applications in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering
- Spreading phenomena in Archaeology, Ecology, Epidemics, Linguistics, Sociology, etc.
- Stefano Brandani, University of Edinburgh, "The Ruthven number: An essential quantity in determining diffusion coefficients in nanoporous materials using uptake experiments"
- Dorit Brixius, Technical University of Dresden, "The Danger of Diffusion Models in the History of Global Science"
- Dirk Brockmann, Technical University of Dresden, "Spatial Disease Dynamics 2.0 - What We Learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic"
- Charles Nicholson, New York University, "Diffusion properties of brain interstitial space."
- Alberto Striolo, University of Oklahoma, "Interrogating Transport Mechanisms in Crowded Narrow Pores Using Molecular Simulations"
- Eric Vanden-Eijnden, New York University, "Some Applications of Machine Learning in Active Matter"
Abstract submission for oral presentations is now closed. We may be
able to accommodate a few additional posters. If you are interested in
submitting an abstract for a poster, please contact Prof. Randall Snurr